
What do parents worry about when they let their children participate in an English summer camp?

By March 18, 2019January 20th, 2022No Comments

Most parents who have children attend an English summer camp are unavoidable to be worried. Now S-World are willing to answer the typical questions from a number of parents about English summer camp.

Các bậc phụ huynh lo lắng gì khi con mình tham gia trại hè Tiếng Anh?

What do parents worry about when they let their children participate in an English summer camp?

Worry about safety?

Firstly, when it comes to a camp, parents are afraid of safety. This is also the biggest concern while they can not observe their children for a period of time in terms of food hygiene, surroundings and unexpected incidents. Don’t worry because solutions are already given. To ensure safety of children, S-World has a number of volunteers accompanying them in every activity. What’s more, our destinations are absolutely safe and sound associated with Vietnamese common dishes.

Các bậc phụ huynh lo lắng gì khi con mình tham gia trại hè Tiếng Anh?

What do parents worry about when they let their children participate in an English summer camp?

Secondly, you may be worried that your children won’t be able to get along with people, especially in an English-speaking environment?

Many parents share that their children are very shy and are afraid of the crowd, afraid of not being able to get along with people to participate in the most fun way. To reach such young people, S-World has designed a standard English summer camp program, ensuring that all students can play, be active with all people. Many parents also fear that their children’s foreign language proficiency is not very good, which can lead to inferiority and self-esteem compared to those with better foreign language skills. The English summer camp is a place where English is the main place to communicate, but besides the foreign volunteers, there will also be volunteers in the country who will help with the translation. In addition, English is only a small part of the summer camp, the summer camp will have a lot of other interesting activities so that young people can fully demonstrate their abilities. Therefore, parents should be assured of their children’s integration.

S-World understands the worries of parents when their children attend summer camp. That is also the problem that S-World needs to deal with when it is the most careful and careful handling of the International English Summer Camp. Hope that the above questions will partly solve the concerns and worries of parents.

Các bậc phụ huynh lo lắng gì khi con mình tham gia trại hè Tiếng Anh?

What do parents worry about when they let their children participate in an English summer camp?


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