In each nation, colors bring different meanings. The color symbolizes festival days, for personality or even being used to distinguish the class in that society. So what each color means for each country means, let’s find out.

Colors in the traditional culture of the nation
This is the most popular and most meaningful color in traditional cultures. For the concept of Eastern people (especially Vietnam and China), red is a lucky color, bringing happiness and often used in festivals, weddings, … In Indian culture, red also has many other important meanings such as pure soul, love, beauty and power. However, in many countries around the world, people consider it a bad color, even South Africans consider it a color of death

Colors in the traditional culture of the nation
Nowadays, when referring to pink, people often associate with tenderness, femininity and a color symbolizing girls. That is the point of Western countries when it comes to this color. However, in many Eastern countries it has different meanings. For example, in China, people here see it as a strange color because pink does not appear in the traditional culture. In Korea, this is the color that symbolizes honesty and in Japan, men and women can use this color.

Colors in the traditional culture of the nation
It can be said that white can be considered the purest, simplest color of all colors, not only with the traditional culture of the West but also the traditional culture of the East. We can easily see that the school uniforms of almost all countries in the world are white. In particular, it is a familiar color used by designers to design wedding dresses for brides. Only some small details can see how important white is in people’s spiritual life. However, in Vietnam, white also has another negative meaning that symbolizes mourning

Colors in the traditional culture of the nation
Contrary to white is black. For many cultures, this is considered the color symbolizing misfortune, unlucky, evil. However, with modern life today, this is considered the color of luxury, nobility and elegance. That is most evident in fashion designs. Black suits or dresses all evoke power and mystery.

Colors in the traditional culture of the nation
In both traditional Western and Eastern cultures, purple is associated with luxury and power. For Western countries, purple is reserved only for royalty and nobles, and all ordinary people are not allowed to wear this outfit. The same with the East, purple is the main color on the attires. It can be seen in all colors, this is the most meaningful color in both Eastern and Western cultures.

Colors in the traditional culture of the nation
Yellow in Vietnamese and Chinese culture is royal color, only for kings. In Thailand or Africa, it also has the meaning of luck because this color reminds people of gold – a rare and expensive metal. However, the Western perspective of this color seems to be completely opposite. For the French, yellow is a symbol of inferiority, deception and similarity in Germany.

Colors in the traditional culture of the nation
It can be seen that color has a very important meaning in the traditional culture of the countries. However, each country has different meaning of color, so before you set foot in a country you need to learn carefully to avoid unfortunate incidents.